China tests a supersonic plane »

by times news cr

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China is currently testing a supersonic plane that is even faster than the legendary Concorde, as it can transport passengers from Beijing to New York in less than two hours.

In tests, the plane’s engine speed reached Mach 4, or 4,900 kilometers per hour, or 4 times the speed of sound, at an altitude of more than 20 kilometers, according to reports from the South China Morning Post.

This is twice as fast as the maximum speed of Concorde (Mach 2, or 2,153 kilometers per hour) and three times the speed of NASA’s “Son Concorde” (1,508 kilometers per hour).

“This engine has great commercial potential for high-speed flight in near-space environments,” Space Transportation said in a statement.

Space Transport aims to have the plane ready for its first flight by 2027 and the first commercial high-speed point-to-point flight by 2030. Yunxing passengers will be high enough to see the curvature of the Earth, where the horizon is small . a curve rather than a straight line, usually seen from a height of about 15.5 km.

A Chinese commercial aircraft manufacturer made the first test flight of a Ramjet engine, a type of “air-breathing” jet engine that uses forward motion of the engine to compress incoming air, last Tuesday (December 17). an aircraft he says will be able to… Carry passengers from Beijing to New York in two hours.

Ramjet engines burn oxygen directly from the atmosphere, rather than having to carry their own supply, making the “Jindoyun”, or “Jindo 400”, a low-cost option, named after the “somersault cloud” used by the Monkey King In the classic Chinese novel “Journey to the West”.

Unlike traditional aircraft that take off horizontally for take off, Yunxing will take off and land vertically, allowing it to go up and down in tighter spaces. This means it will not have to use traditional runways used by today’s airports, and may operate from fewer urban airport facilities instead.

Source: Sky News

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