Claudia Sheinbaum presents her official photograph as the first president of Mexico

by times news cr

This Sunday, October 13 Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo presented are official photograph like the first president of Mexico.

On October 1st Claudia Sheinbaum became the first female president of Mexico in the more than 200 years of history of the country.

This promises a change in the way of governing, as well as a process of justice for women, mainly from the less favored sectors.

After taking office as the first president of Mexico, Claudia Sheinbaum had a photo session and this Sunday presented his official photo on social networks.

On social networks Claudia Sheinbaum presents her official photograph as the first president of Mexico

Through the social network FacebookInstagram and X, the team Claudia Sheinbaum This Sunday, October 13, he made the change of his photograph in profile.

This change corresponds to your official photograph as the first president of Mexicoin which you can see Claudia Sheinbaum wearing a white dress with black embroidery and the presidential sash, while He turns to look at a window in his presidential office in the National Palace.

The distinguished photograph has already obtained several reactions on social networks, at least on Facebook since he published his change around 10 in the morning and had more than 85 thousand interactions,The cutoff at 1:45 p.m.

Also on Instagram the official photograph had reactions of more than 66 thousand peoplemostly with praise for the first president of Mexico.

This was Claudia Sheinbaum’s photo session of her official photograph as the first president of Mexico

Prior to this change of profile photo on their social networks, the president of Mexico I had shared how it was photo session that had in National Palace to achieve this official photograph.

In this short video, Claudia Sheinbaum was accompanied for a team of photography professionals.

accompanied by studio lightsthe first female president of Mexico, was happy and with a big smile in front of the team.

On social networks, Claudia Sheinbaum revealed that her team was the one that convinced her to take a powerful image now.

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