Climate, biodiversity, access to water… Scientists are calling for a concerted response to life’s crises

by time news

2024-12-17 16:18:00

DESCRIBED – IPBES, the international platform on biodiversity, advocates environmental conservation measures that do not risk exacerbating other planetary threats.

Faced with the urgency of global warming and the need to combat food and water insecurity, biodiversity advocates sometimes feel that their calls for help take a backseat. The report adopted on Monday by IPBES, an intergovernmental scientific and policy platform on biodiversity, shows however that these major crises amplify each other and that it is useless to try to tackle one without worrying about the others.

« Addressing each challenge in isolation, following a compartmentalized logic, can lead to certain positive effectsadmits Philippe Grandcolas, research director of the CNRS and member of the French delegation to the IPBES plenary assembly. But we now know that these benefits can be challenged by the trickle-down effects of such a policy on other issues, in the long term. »

The report, based on the analysis of 6,500 studies, mobilized 165 experts from around sixty…

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