Cold wave: Do we need a new mask requirement?

by times news cr

It wasn’t just distance rules and vaccinations that allowed us to survive the corona pandemic. We also owe this to an extensive mask requirement. Because one thing is certain: If we had only trusted the consideration of our fellow human beings on buses and trains, the number of cases would probably have been much higher.

You can see it again now: there is currently a wave of colds – but in local public transport people continue to push and stand close together, sniffly nose or not. People sneeze happily into their own hand before reaching for a handrail, or cough uncontrollably into the surrounding crowd. The viruses are happy, after all, the stuffy, damp cars are an ideal breeding ground for multiplying and spreading.

Everyone wants to survive the upcoming winter as unscathed as possible. And the simplest means available in public transport is the respiratory mask. She may not look sexy, but let’s face it, people with runny noses probably don’t win beauty contests anyway.

Of course, one could argue that everyone can decide for themselves. But personal responsibility alone is not enough. Infections threaten the entire society: There have already been flu seasons in Germany with more than 25,000 deaths, and a total of more than 180,000 people have died from Corona in this country.

The number of cases increases, especially in the cold season. If wearing a mask helps reduce the burden on doctors’ offices, hospitals and morgues, we should pay that price for our health. And if that doesn’t happen voluntarily, there has to be a general obligation.

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