Colombia: liberation of a person in La Guajira

by time news

1970-01-01 00:00:00

“The bilateral and confidential dialogue we have with the different armed actors makes it possible that in these types of situations we can act as a neutral intermediary to facilitate the ability of released people to re-establish family contacts and, in some cases, to return to their communities. Through this dialogue we explain that the main motivation of our humanitarian work is to alleviate suffering, reminding them of the importance and necessity of respecting humanitarian principles and protecting people’s lives and dignity,” said Carolina Villanueva, deputy head of ICRC sub-delegation in Bucaramanga.

“Access to the areas most affected by armed conflicts or other situations of violence is essential to help people suffering from this reality. We thank armed actors for their trust in our neutral and impartial humanitarian work and urge them to continue to allow us access to these locations,” Villanueva added.

In 2024, the ICRC facilitated the release of 25 people detained by armed groups.

Media contacts:

Lorena Hoyos, ICRC, Bogota
Public relations officer
Telephone: +57 3102218133

Eliana Pereira, ICRC, Bucaramanga
Head of communications
Telephone: +57 3134701164

#Colombia #liberation #person #Guajira

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