Thursday, 06 February 2025 – 14:20 WIB
Edy Rahmayadi (Antara/Anggiluthfi Panggabean) – WHILE – Bobby Nasution – Surya was officially determined by the North Sumatra Election Commission as an elected Governor and Deputy Governor for 2025-2030.
North Sumatra cagub number 2, Edy Rahmayadi congratulates Bobby Nasution and Surya. He requested that Bobby-Surya Amanah in carrying out their duties.
“Congratulations on duty to Bobby Nasution and Surya who were officially elected as Governor and Deputy Governor of North Sumatra for the 2025-2030 period. Hopefully it will be a trustworthy and wise leader,” said Edy Rahmayadi, in Medan, Thursday (6/2).
Edy Rahmayadi respected the decision of the Constitutional Court (MK) which stated that he could not accept the lawsuit of the 2024 elections which was previously posted by his legal team.
According to Edy, the Constitutional Court’s decision is final and binding so that it can be accepted and must be respected as a good citizen.
The former North Sumatra Governor also denied that his party would take legal steps in the State Administrative Court (PTUN) related to the results of the 2024 Pilkda.
“There is no legal step of PTUN. We respect the Constitutional Court’s decision, it is final and binding,” he said.
Therefore, Edy hopes that the pair of Bobby Nasution and Surya who have been designated as the elected Governor and Deputy Governor can carry out the mandate as well as possible so that they are able to improve the welfare of the people of North Sumatra. “Hopefully it will be able to carry out the mandate entrusted by the people of North Sumatra,” said Edy.
Edy Rahmayadi congratulated Bobby Nasution and Surya who were determined as Governor and North Sumatra Deputy Governor.
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