Corona damage: An expert explains how to detect PIMS in children

by time news

Every parent in Israel, even those whose children are not sick or isolated at the moment, is sitting next to the news and notifications today to hear what they decided at the cabinet meeting on the new isolation plan for children, which is due to take effect tomorrow (Thursday). The alleged cause of panic at the last minute by the Ministry of Health is reports of an increase in cases of PIMS syndrome worldwide.

For the time being, in Israeli hospitals we have updated on four children who were recently hospitalized with PIMS syndrome, after being infected in Corona. These are just a few cases, all in children not vaccinated, but it is enough to sow fear in the hearts of many parents.

Multisystem inflammatory syndrome, also known as PIMS or MIS-C, is typical of a disease caused by the coronavirus and includes symptoms such as high fever, rash, abdominal pain, loss of appetite, general weakness, hypotension and even heart problems. It occurs during two to six weeks after coronary heart disease and is most common at ages 5-4, but can also occur at younger ages. All studies conducted on the subject have shown that immunized children become less fully infected, even in the omicron wave. Also, even if they are infected – the incidence of the syndrome is lower in them than in those who have not been vaccinated.

We asked Prof. Galia Grisero, director of the Pediatric Infectious Diseases Unit at Dana-Duak Hospital in Ichilov, what her professional opinion is about the reported increase in PIMS cases, how common and dangerous the syndrome is, and what warning lights parents should be aware of.

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“What actually happens is that in the wave of the omicron the number of verified is huge, and also that of the children. A quantity not known from the previous waves, so there is concern that if we talk about one in 3,500-5,000 verified developing PIMS (according to data from previous waves) We can reach several hundred thousand verified and then there will be astronomical numbers with PIMS. “

According to Prof. Grisero, the additional concern and discussion that is taking place about the isolation policy for children stems from the fact that the peak of Hegel’s morbidity began in early January. PIMS syndrome occurs between 2-6 weeks after infection in Corona, “so if we are in late January, we have some time until we see the consequences. Mehadrin can say ‘wait wait’. But so far we do not see astronomical numbers,” she clarifies.

“There are reports in the US that Omicron has a large number of PIMS cases and there is a fear that something similar will happen in Israel, but in Europe I have not seen a large number of cases so far.” Here at Dana and also at many other hospitals. Some of the hospitalizations are random hospitalizations, and the vast majority of cases are of children who are not seriously ill. There have been cases of PIMS in the omicron wave in the country, but they are not many compared to the verified cases. Anxious or strict will come and say ‘this moment is not over’. But you could say that so far there have been no difficult cases. “

How can PIMS be identified?
“A child who looks very ill with high fever, abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting, difficulty breathing, eye inflammation, rashes on the skin – should light red lights for us.” It usually includes two physical systems and in one hundred percent of cases comes with high fever, “she said. .

Prof. Grisero emphasizes that there are situations in which the parents do not even know that the child has Corona and may therefore think that this is something else. In any case, she wants to make it clear that if the child does not look well and is very ill – he should be taken to the emergency room.

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