covid cases increase uae Kovid cases in the UAE

by time news

The daily Kovid cases in the UAE continue to record over 1500. On the 9th of this month the number of patients daily exceeded one thousand. Test positivity rates are also on the rise in the country (covid cases increase uae).

Of the 2,75,317 samples tested in 24 hours, 1,556 confirmed the disease. According to the UAE Ministry of Health, 1490 people have been completely cured. The number of cases has increased from the previous record of less than 100 and the number of patients per day has crossed one thousand.

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In Abu Dhabi, meanwhile, the green pass period has been reduced from 30 days to 14 days, causing more congestion at PCR test centers. With the rush, there is also a delay in getting results. Results obtained within 12 hours until last week are now delayed by 24 hours. In Abu Dhabi, green pass holders have access to government offices and shopping malls, including shopping malls.

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