Daniel Genís wins the Ictineu award with “Uns déus feroge”

by time news

2023-06-12 16:42:18

The presentation of “Uns déus ferotges” in Girona.

The Castellón writer Daniel Genís he has won the Ictineu award for the best fantasy novel in Catalan for Fierce godsedited by Males Herbes. Genís has taken the prize in the fifth edition of the CatCon, the Catalan Science-Fiction and Fantasy Convention, held this weekend in Vilanova i la Geltrú.

In addition to the literary debut of Genís, the awards organized by the Catalan Society of Science-Fiction and Fantasy (SCCFF) have recognized in their fifteenth edition other titles such as The sea of ​​tranquility (Emily St. Jhon Mandel) as best translated novel; The human seed by Carme Torras as best story or presence (Ken Liu) as the best translated elat.

A fantastic pilgrimage

Professor, editor and creator of El Biblionauta, a portal of reference in the fantastic genre in Catalan, Daniel Genís (Castelló d’Empúries, 1977) made his debut last year as a novelist with a collection of stories from ‘a medieval pilgrimage, the journey of a Muslim teenager from Valencia to Mecca, but filled with fantastical elements and tributes to authors such as Edgar Allan Poe or HP Lovecraft.

#Daniel #Genís #wins #Ictineu #award #Uns #déus #feroge

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