Can the traffic light currently implement reforms? A top Green politician says: She can no longer do that.
The Baden-Württemberg Finance Minister Danyal Bayaz (Greens) has denied the federal traffic light coalition the ability to carry out further reforms. “I don’t have the imagination for that,” he told the “Handelsblatt” on Wednesday. “This federal government has gotten too tangled up in petty issues and arguments.” Bayaz believes that fundamental changes are necessary given the economic situation. “We need a reform in the spirit of Agenda 2010, in which all parties jump over their shadows,” he said.
Bayaz, whose party has governed Baden-Württemberg with the CDU since 2016, advocated, among other things, an abolition of the solidarity surcharge for companies and a reform of the debt brake. He recommends that his party take a centrist course. “I would like us to be seen in the economic policy discourse not as left or right, but as a party of reason,” said Bayaz.
After the announced resignation of the leadership duo Ricarda Lang and Omid Nouripour, the Greens are electing a new dual leadership at a party conference in November. The Bundestag member Felix Banaszak and the parliamentary state secretary in the Federal Ministry of Economics, Franziska Brantner, have already applied. The latter is considered a close confidante of the Federal Minister of Economics and likely Green Party candidate for chancellor Robert Habeck. It recently sent out signals of cooperation with the Union in the federal government.