Day of glory or when the second round invites itself live in an Arte fiction

by time news

The result of the presidential election is included in the film shot Sunday from 7 p.m. to 8:05 p.m. by Jeanne Frenkel and Cosme Castro, broadcast on, YouTube, Facebook and in cinemas.

Where were you on May 10, 1981, May 8, 1988 or, five years ago, May 7, 2017? These second rounds of the presidential election are important markers of our lives. We remember an atmosphere, a fear, a shared joy, or not, in the family. Of an image, that of a face which takes shape on the screen in the descending light of spring, of some sounds too? A popping champagne cork. Cries of fright or horror.

« These are our little stories in the big one», summarizes Jeanne Frenkel who, with Cosme Castro, realizesglory day, a one-hour and five-minute film shot live in a single sequence shot and broadcast Sunday at 7 p.m. on, YouTube, Facebook and in around thirty cinemas. A first to try to give priority to continuous news channels but above all to breathe a little poetry into this moment of hesitation and waiting for the results of the presidential election.

«Choreographed ballet»

For two years, the tandem has been preparing this…

glory day or when the second round is invited live in an Arte_37 fiction”,”event”:”customEventSPE”}” data-module=”fig-paragraph-with-paywall” data-context=”was @visible”>

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