Debates on the revenue side are stalled in the National Assembly

by time news

2024-10-27 03:45:00

The National Assembly, in Paris, on 24 October 2024.

This is a new disappointment for the government. As expected, MEPs failed to complete the consideration of the revenue part of the 2025 budget before midnight on Saturday 26 October. At the close of the session, there were still 1,507 undiscussed amendments on this first part of the text, which in principle should have been subject to a final vote on Tuesday.

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Next week, the National Assembly will take action on the social security budget. According to several parliamentary sources, the debate on the finance law for 2025 will resume on Tuesday 5 November. The new calendar will be discussed on Tuesday morning at the Conference of Presidents, “with the government”said the President of the Assembly, Yaël Braun-Pivet, from the podium.

In six days, the deputies have “has adopted almost forty billion euros in additional taxes” that are added to the “thirty billion from the government’s initial copy”complained Macronist MP Charles Sitzenstuhl. “It’s really time for this to end.”he added, chastising a “tax delirium”.

“The governing coalition is dark” et “There aren’t even boats for those who stay (…) I’m very sorry for our country.”for his part, he launched the leader of the National Rally (RN) into this budget battle, Jean-Philippe Tanguy.

On Saturday, as in previous days, the government suffered a series of setbacks. The left thus adopted an exceptional 10% tax on dividends distributed by CAC40 companies. The deputies have extended zero-interest real estate loans to the entire territory, for new properties (as proposed by the government), but also for old properties.

They also made permanent the exceptional contribution requested from maritime transport companies, limited the fiscal niche from which this sector benefits to 500 million euros, approved the gradual restoration of the contribution on the added value of companies (CVAE) and eliminated the planned increase in the contribution “penalty” for petrol and diesel cars.

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Series of setbacks for the government

This happened through sometimes shifting alliances: if the New Popular Front alone achieved the progressive re-establishment of the CVAE, it was a heterogeneous team of elected RNs, republicans, socialists and communists that prevailed over the car penalty.

And the RN – accused by the Macronist camp of having an irregular political line on corporate taxation – has mixed its voices with those of the left to fill the fiscal niche for shipowners, in the face of the still very sparse ranks of the forces of the “common base ”. intended to support the government.


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Among the other amendments adopted, a series of VAT reductions for different sectors: food aid associations, passenger transport – excluding air transport -, repair companies, new social housing, or « first kilowatts » of gas and electricity consumed by families. The changes made by Renaissance and the Socialist Party have reduced the tax breaks relating to furnished tourist accommodation to 30%, thus including in the budget a measure intended to better regulate the “Airbnb” type accommodation market.

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Already on Friday the government had suffered numerous defeats on this “revenue” part of the budget, with the suppression of the temporary surtax on large companies (whose tariffs the left had previously increased) or that of the electricity surtax, fought by its own troops.

Opposition deputies suspect that the government is pushing for a 49.3, allowing a major reworking of Michel Barnier‘s budget project. An unfounded suspicion, of course, Parisian, government spokesperson, Maud Bregeon: “We don’t give up on the ease of 49.3 (…) The moment of debate is a moment of great clarification which also allows us to build compromises”he said.

Other elected officials wonder whether the government is not instead seeking a rejection of the text, as in the Finance Committee, or a stalemate in the debates which would prevent a vote before the November 21 deadline, linked to constitutional deadlines. In both cases the consequence would be the direct transmission of the text to the Senate.

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