The governor of State of Mexico, Delfina Gómez Álvarez, announced the releveling to the salary by up to 11 percent for the elements assigned to the State Public Security Secretariat (SSEM).
“Today we recognize the work of the staff of Prison Security and Custody of the Secretariat of Public Security of the State of Mexico with the salary relevelization,” he said.
The president explained that with this measure she dignifies the staff work in charge of safeguarding the population, so that they have better tools.
He explained that those with lower perceptions in the tabulator were prioritized in the categories of police, custodian or “C” custodian and procedural police.
He announced that to reinforce the performance of the SSEM elements, 213 official units were acquired, tipo Super Duty, 13 of them have level 5 armor and of those ten will be for the Tactical Coordinating Group and three in the Transit Directorate.
For his part, Cristóbal Castañeda Camarillo, Mexican Secretary of Security, reiterated the commitment he has Gomez Alvarez with those who make up the SSEM, as they are a fundamental piece to maintain security.