Every year, one physical education teacher in Hungary can receive the Prof. Dr. Csaba Istvánfi Lifetime Achievement Award. This year, Zsuzsanna Kecse-Nagyné Bánszki, physical educator and physiotherapist, was able to receive this at the National Physical Education Conference organized by the National Association of Hungarian Physical Education Teachers and Gyulasport Nonprofit Kft. The former principal of the Kossuth Elementary School in Szőreg is the first woman to be honored with this lifetime achievement award.
– The recognition was submitted by the association and the management of the University of Physical Education. I am very proud that I was able to receive it, especially because the first three were received by a male colleague, and one of them was given posthumously. I think that the award recognized not only my work in physical education, but also my activities in the field of education – Zsuzsanna Kecse-Nagyné Bánszki told our newspaper.
He came to Szeged thanks to basketball
The award-winning teacher began his career in Budapest, where he taught for three years. He came to Szeged thanks to sports.
– I played basketball in the first-class team of DVTK at the age of 18, from there I first joined the team of the University of Applied Sciences and then SZEOL. In Szeged, I started working as a physical education teacher at Móricz Zsigmond Elementary School – after finishing sports, I first worked as a physical education teacher. I think this has been very good for me, as it is difficult to transition from a world where everything is about exercise to one where exercise is not as important to everyone as it is to an elite athlete. This course taught me empathy and, of course, to know what types of movement can cause injuries. That’s why I’m glad that this subject is now included in the education of physical educators, said Zsuzsanna Kecse-Nagyné Bánszki.
The Móricz school also had a basketball team, with which it achieved great success. However, the school was closed in 1999. That’s when he joined Kossuth Lajos Elementary School in Szőreg, where he taught until his retirement in 2021, and managed it for 15 years.
He is grateful to the students and parents
– Looking back on the Lifetime Achievement Award, I think I owe a lot to my parents. For me, at the age of 14, basketball was the priority, they would have taken me to the elite team, but then they insisted that I graduate first. But my role models were also my physical educators, and later, as a teacher, it was the students and parents to whom I owe gratitude. They confirmed that I was doing my job well and that I didn’t hate the movement with the young people. My students loved coming to my classes, this is the biggest thing for me – said the award-winning retired teacher, who is also very proud to see that her former students are still playing sports or that exercise plays an important role in their lives.
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