Deportation of Salafists from Bonn fails

by times news cr

The Bonn authorities wanted to deport him, but a court prevented this. Leonis Hamza is also allowed to stay because of his family – even though he has already threatened them.

The Salafist preacher Leonis Hamza, who lives in Bonn, was released from detention pending deportation at the end of last week. The immigration office of the city of Bonn had previously tried to deport him because of his proximity to Salafist circles and his anti-constitutional stance. The authority’s assessment is based on reports from the security organs, which classify him as a radical Salafist and a threat to the free, democratic basic order. However, the Cologne Administrative Court and later the Münster Higher Administrative Court decided that the legal requirements for his deportation were not sufficiently met.

Hamza, who describes himself as a “web imam” and appears under the name Abdul Alim Hamza, became known on the Internet through jihadist-Salafist content. Through platforms like TikTok, he reached particularly young, disorientated people and led them to an extremist interpretation of Islam. According to investigations, he is said to have maintained contacts with influential preachers, members of the Berlin clan scene and mixed martial arts fighters. His connection to Arafat Abou-Chaker, a well-known clan boss from Berlin, is particularly explosive.

Bonn authorities had called for Hamza’s expulsion and a 20-year ban on re-entry. However, Hamza lives with a German wife and three children, which was ultimately a deciding factor for the court. The Münster Higher Administrative Court’s decision emphasized that the evidence was not sufficient to establish a “particularly serious interest in deportation”. The court also made it clear that the current legal situation does not allow deportation to be carried out solely because of one’s Salafist views, unless there are specific additional circumstances. Hamza’s family ties and his role as a father played a central role, which is why the interest in remaining in Germany was rated higher than the public interest in immediate deportation.

However, in a wiretapped phone call, the Salafist preacher is said to have threatened violence against his wife and children. What was particularly shocking was his statement in which he announced that he wanted to kill his then five-year-old daughter. This threat led to investigations, which were closed by both the youth welfare office and the family court. Insufficient evidence to prosecute could be provided.

The security authorities consider these incidents to be part of the overall picture of Hamza, which portrays him as a dangerous person. They remain convinced of the danger posed by the preacher. An internal report describes Hamza as a radical and violent demagogue. Even though he has not yet become criminally aware, the authorities see his activities in the Islamist scene as problematic. In addition to his online presence, he is also said to have contributed to the radicalization of young people in personal conversations.

Despite his release, Hamza himself is not very relieved. In an interview he spoke about his time in solitary confinement, which he described as inhumane. “I was considered highly dangerous,” he said, complaining that he had been deprived of time with his family. At the same time, he is active again on social media, where he shares photos with his children, among other things.

The city of Bonn regrets the court decision and is currently examining further legal options. Bonn’s deputy city spokesman Marc Hoffmann explained that the courts’ reasons must first be analyzed before further steps can be taken. Whether and when Hamza will have to expect deportation again remains unclear for the time being.

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