DHL, banks and Disney affected: You should report these scam emails! | Life & Knowledge

by time news

2023-12-29 19:18:29

The fraudsters are becoming more and more bold. They are now sending frequent emails under the names of well-known companies in which they request personal data. Anyone who falls for it and responds will distribute sensitive information to gangs who will probably use it to commit fraud.

The consumer advice center is currently warning about supposed emails from these companies in its “phishing radar”:


Consumer advocates are currently receiving a lot of information about emails in the name of TF Bank with the subject “Important update of your account details”. There is a button attached for the update, which you should follow. If you do not complete this process within 7 days, your account will be “temporarily restricted.” It is precisely the setting of a deadline and the threat that exposes this email as an attempt at fraud! The emails belong in the spam folder.

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Customers receive opaque instructions in the phishing email: The criminals want to take advantage of the increased parcel volume around the holidays – for example with the subject “New shipping update: your customer number”. Missing letters are immediately noticeable. Put in the spam folder and/or report as spam.


Customers are asked to do a “number check”. Even the imprecise word shows: it cannot come from a real bank. In this case, you will be asked for your mobile phone number, which is currently not activated for “Mtan”. However, this is necessary in order to continue to use the bank’s online services. It is then pointed out that one is therefore obliged to carry out a “number check”. Here too: Delete this scam email and do not click on any links.

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Sparkasse, ING, Volksbank, Commerzbank

Customers of these banks should also be made to disclose personal data. Clicking on the true sender email shows: These messages do not come from the financial institutions.

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The email announces the supposed expiration of the membership under the subject “Your Disney+ account has expired”. There is a button that says “Renew for free” (BILD deliberately points out the spelling error) to provide credit card details to validate the account. You should NOT click on this! Delete email immediately or report it as spam.

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