Digital health: how can it improve the position of women in communities?

by time news

2024-10-11 04:00:00

On the occasion of the conference of the E-Health Observatory in the countries of the South, of the Pierre Fabre Foundation, we meet experts who study the possibilities and prospects offered by the development of digital technology to improve the access and involvement of women in the field of health , the opportunity to highlight in which regions and on what basis these inequalities are particularly harmful to the health of women and girls.

Assiatou Kama Niang, policy and research manager at the NGO Speak up Africa ©RFI/Tiffanie Menta

  • Assiatou Kama NiangPolicy and research manager at the NGO Speak Africa

► Broadcast recorded in Lavaur, on the occasion of the Pierre Fabre Foundation conference: Observatory of e-health in Southern countries.

You can find the entire show on the pageHealth priority

#Digital #health #improve #position #women #communities

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