Discover 5 Natural Blood Thinners to Prevent Clots – Al-Marsad Newspaper

by time news

2023-08-23 23:15:11

In a recent video clip circulating on social media, a doctor has revealed five natural blood thinners that can help prevent the formation of clots. These remedies are easily accessible and have been proven to be effective in reducing clotting factors.

First on the list is garlic. The doctor recommends consuming one clove of garlic every day for 26 days. This simple habit can reduce clotting factors by an impressive 80%. Garlic has been known for its numerous health benefits, and its ability to thin blood and prevent clots is just one of them.

The second natural blood thinner on the list is cayenne pepper. Contrary to popular belief, cayenne pepper does not cause bleeding. Instead, it has a great ability to dilute blood, making it less likely to clot. Adding a pinch of cayenne pepper to your meals can significantly contribute to maintaining healthy blood flow.

Ginger is the third natural remedy highlighted by the doctor. This spicy root is a major cause of some of the strongest clotting factors and helps in the aggregation of platelets. Incorporating ginger into your diet can help prevent clotting and support overall cardiovascular health.

Next on the list is cinnamon. Apart from its delicious flavor, cinnamon has been found to play a significant role in forming anticoagulants. It helps regulate blood pressure and sugar levels while preventing the accumulation of calcium on blood platelets. This, in turn, reduces the chances of clots forming.

The final natural blood thinner recommended by the doctor is healthy fats. While not a specific food item, consuming healthy fats such as those found in avocados, nuts, and olive oil can aid in preventing the formation of clots. These fats promote better circulation and maintain the health of blood vessels.

The doctor’s advice is a valuable resource for those looking to improve their cardiovascular health naturally. Incorporating these natural blood thinners into your daily routine can be a simple yet effective step towards preventing the formation of dangerous clots. It is always essential, however, to consult with a healthcare professional before making any significant changes to your diet or starting any new treatment.

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