Discover 6 foods rich in omega-6 that lower harmful triglycerides and reduce the risk of heart disease

by time news

Al-Marsad Newspaper: Omega-6 fatty acids are an important component to support general health, as they help lower harmful triglyceride levels, raise good cholesterol levels, and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

And the “Healthline” medical website published a list of the most important foods that contain beneficial omega-6 acids, including:


Nuts are rich in fiber and minerals, including manganese, copper, phosphorus and magnesium.

Sunflower seeds

Seeds are particularly rich in important vitamins and minerals, including vitamin E and selenium, both of which act as antioxidants that protect against cell damage, inflammation, and chronic disease.

Peanut Butter

They contain healthy nutrients like niacin, manganese, vitamin E, and magnesium.

Avocado oil

High in antioxidants, health studies have found that avocado oil may improve heart health by reducing cholesterol and triglyceride levels.


It is rich in a group of important nutrients such as protein, selenium and riboflavin. Almonds are an important source of protein and fiber, along with vitamin E, manganese, and magnesium.


Rich in nutrients including copper, magnesium and phosphorus.

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