Doctor: Vitamin deficiency leads to numbness and tingling in the hands and feet!

by time news

Turkish nutritionist Dr. Janil Oner Sayar revealed that the lack of vitamin B6 in the body leads to tingling in the hands and feet, according to what was published by the Russian “Novosti” news agency.
According to the agency, the expert said, “The lack of vitamin B6 in the body leads to anemia due to a decrease in the production of red blood cells; The person feels tired, weak, and weak. It also shows a rash, cracks in the lips and dryness. When the immune system is weak, the risk of infectious diseases increases. And feel numbness of the hands, feet and fingers. In children, anxiety and mood swings are observed, while pregnant women feel nausea in the morning and cognitive problems, such as confusion, difficulty concentrating and forgetting.
“Vitamin B6 is found in egg whites, legumes, soybeans, nuts and processed grains,” Sayar explains. It is useful in cases of asthma, autism, cardiovascular disease, carpal tunnel syndrome, diabetes, epilepsy, depression, kidney stones, osteoporosis, and in the case of nausea and vomiting during pregnancy. But she warns that “this vitamin is very sensitive to light and heat and loses its properties under the influence of ultraviolet rays and heat treatment,” stressing that “porridges lose 50 percent of this vitamin, and that human and animal gut bacteria produce this vitamin, but a person may not be able to use it. and benefit from it.”
The Turkish expert notes that the daily dose of vitamin B6 per day for an adult is 1.25-1.67 mg, and this is equivalent to 25-30 micrograms per kilogram of his weight, she says.

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