Doctors and nurses are all the rage on TikTok, the surgeon: “I explain penile prosthetics”

by time news

2023-10-23 18:31:23

“Are you going to the doctor? No, I follow him on ‘TikTok?’, this could be the new frontier of the relationship between doctor and patient in the near future given that doctors, together with nurses, are among the most followed professions on TikTok, the social network most loved by very young people for its extreme simplicity and immediacy in communicating with videos. The latest survey is by Registered Nursing which has developed a ranking, which places doctors in first place, teachers in second, nurses in third, chefs in fourth and then dentists, pilots and chiropractors.

What do the kids who spend hours and hours on the social network, which an estimated 18 million Italians use, ask? There’s a bit of everything, from basic information to requests for actual consultations. Chiara Di Pietro (@unaginecologaperami), has 560 thousand ‘followers’, and her contents deal with women’s health at 360 degrees; Giuseppre Lupica (@ peppe893) also exceeds 330 thousand ‘followers’ and, for example, in one of the latest videos she talks about fibroids while responding to a user’s message. Another followed doctor is Claudio Oliveri (@doc.claudio), who has over 400 thousand ‘followers’.

The urologist-andrologist surgeon Gabriele Antonini, specialized in penile prostheses, has been on TikTok for a month. “The effect I saw was monstrous – he says – I totaled 4 million views”, because people “don’t know these penis prostheses. I explain how they work and show them, I break a taboo”. Antonini says that “in Italy 90% of patients who have undergone a post-tumor prostatectomy have an erection problem and a compromised sexual life – explains Antonini – The mistake that is made is that we don’t talk to these people, the urologist-oncologist is focused on the disease and does not think about the quality of sexual life after surgery.”

According to the Roman surgeon, who has already implanted over 100 prostheses in 2023 alone, “TikTok is a means of explaining to people that there is an alternative to their problem, it is clear that there is also a lot of ignorance on social media and therefore in the comments There are those who joke or make jokes on the videos. But many write to me and ask for information. Millions of euros are spent on useless drug therapies for those with this type of problem and there is no one to help the patients. I’ll try – continues – with social media and I also try to combat health tourism: there are those who go to Turkey, where the prices for this type of operation are lower, but are ruined by inexperienced hands. My former patients have become testimonials for the penile prostheses, they want to contribute – he concludes – to the dissemination of the procedure that changed his life”.

Nurses are also very popular on TikTok. “Since 2020 we have started a collaboration with TikTok with a #NoiConGliInfemieri fundraiser in favor of all colleagues affected by Covid. Today we give the floor to nurses and put on our TikTok channel those ‘branded’ by our scientific committee which validated the contents Above all, we want those who want to approach the profession not to be scared by what they hear in the media, by the attacks, by the question of shortages up to salaries. Then we also have to convince the parents because in the end they are the ones who often dissuade their children from undertake the degree course”. Thus at Salute Silvestro Giannantonio, communications manager of Fnopi, the National Federation of Nursing Professions Orders (Fnopi).

After the collaboration with TikTok, “we later saw that there are many nurses on the social network and we contacted 7-8 colleagues who are very followed, we approached them to propose a collaboration on our profile and to make a contribution with a video, c “For example, there is a very popular pediatric nurse who explains to mothers how to take care of the little one. Today – he adds – on our TitTok channel, we have videos aimed at citizens and then also for kids studying nursing sciences, we try to help them understand what it will be like the profession, the daily life of the nurse, or advice is given on how to study as best as possible for exams. Then as a public body we report offensive videos to TikTok, those with fake news for example or inappropriate content, which concern the profession”.

Fnopi’s next step to reach an increasingly wider audience is that of BookTok, the most ‘talked about’ books on social media. “There are many nurses who write, from novels to short stories. It would be nice to create content on this topic – he comments – and involve many colleagues”.

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