Documentation reveals: This is how China imprisons a million people

by time news

A rare leak of thousands of photos and documents shows that despite the denials, China imprisons hundreds of thousands of Muslim people in camps portrayed as “re-educated,” by using violence, beatings, starvation and ordering to shoot anyone who tries to escape

New evidence is unveiled today (Tuesday) from the camps China presents as “re-education,” proving that the Chinese power has imprisoned more than a million Muslims over the years and is using particularly violent methods.

According to records and documents revealed by the BBC, Leaked from authorities’ computers in Xinjiang ProvinceThe Chinese abuse mostly in the minority The Uighur, who is a predominantly Muslim minority.

Evidence from ex-prisoners and their families shows that these are in fact indoctrination camps, which aim to erase the political, cultural and religious identity of the prisoners, and make them loyal only to the Chinese flag and the Communist ruling party.

According to the evidence, the camps used torture facilities and abusive methods such as beatings and starvation. Transcript from a speech delivered in 2017 by Chan Kuanguo, former secretary of the Communist Party in Xinjiang, he ordered guards at Muslim detention facilities to shoot anyone trying to escape from them.

He clarified that the shooting should be “shooting with the intent to kill”. In the speech, Chan also called on senior local authorities to “conduct pious oversight of religious believers.” Other leaked documents indicate that the “re-education camps” made extensive use of armed officers and firing positions, and that soldiers with sniper rifles were stationed in guard towers.

The large leak includes more than 2,800 photos of detainees in Xinjiang, which show armed soldiers and policemen, some beating prisoners with their heads covered and their hands bound, while other guards, armed with firearms, stand opposite.

China’s Foreign Ministry continues to deny that the leaked documents are nothing more than materials sewn together by “anti-Chinese forces defaming Xinjiang,” and aimed to sabotage China’s foreign relations.

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