Don’t need income to support a family? A music career is not possible without money: reality show star Abhilash

by time news

Singer Abhilash is very present in the song festival scene. Abhilash, who has sung in many devotional cassettes and albums, rose to prominence through a reality show on a private channel. Even though he did not get enough opportunity in the film industry after the channel program, Kovid came as a villain when he was conquering the concert stages as a favorite singer of his fans. Abhilash, the family’s only hope, was in the hospital for days battling death due to Covid. Now we are trying to bring our life back from the financial difficulties and health problems caused by Covid. Thiruvananthapuram Trax Ganamela troupe sings songs. Abhilash Manorama opens up about his career in music online.

A music lover since childhood

My house is at Madapally in Changanassery. Since his school days, he has competed in arts festivals and won prizes. He started going to concert halls as a professional singer when he was studying in 10th standard. I have been active in choirs for almost 25 years. But he became known as a singer through the reality show Star Singer.

That’s great motivation and recognition

He came to the reality show when he was active in the music festival. He went for the audition at the insistence of those around him. I was among the 100 people who were selected from around five thousand contestants. It was a great inspiration. I was among the 8 finalists in the competition. Those were great accolades.

No chance in cinema without Godfather

I have not studied music scientifically. When he participated in the channel reality show, he got coaching classes from many artists. All that helped to nurture my talent. By the time his grooming was over, it was as if he had been reborn. After that I got an opportunity to sing in many stage shows. Also sang in Tamil-Malayalam dubbing films. Although he sang in a Malayalam film, it was not noticed much. Later he did not get a chance in the film. I have asked many music directors for opportunities. But no one calls unless they say they can. Musicians have a circle of friends. Everyone will consider their friends while making a new movie. I am moving forward believing that someone will consider me too.

From the face of death back to music

Like other artistes, I faced a lot of difficulties after covid came. I was also affected by covid. He was hospitalized in critical condition. He was on ventilator for a few days. The doctors also doubted whether he would be able to get his life back. But with God’s blessing, he slowly came back to life. He stayed in the hospital for thirty days. The disease had severely affected the lungs. Then I couldn’t sing for eight months. There was no proper sound. But after that he slowly came back to the music life. Breathing exercise was done. Now there are none of those problems. Can sing well.

Art is for the rich

I used to sing with Trax, a singing troupe in Thiruvananthapuram. He gets a chance to sing many songs including devotional albums. But the income earned from singing cannot support the family. My family consists of father, mother, wife and three children. Only those who are financially ahead can move ahead with the song. It is not possible for a poor person like me. I have completed B.D. He used to take tuition in between. I want to get a job as a teacher somewhere. Due to his love for singing, he had not tried any work till now. Now it seems that if you have a job, you better take the art with you.

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