Economy agrees to ties with Japanese

by times news cr

Marcelo Ebrard, secretary of Economy, met with Japanese businessmen at ‌the start of the‍ weekend to offer them to ⁣expand ⁣their businesses in the country and agreed to a bimonthly ⁣meeting to review plans and investments in Mexico.

Ebrard assured that Mexico It ‍intends to⁤ have an impartial and expeditious justice ⁤system that helps protect rights and investments, and they also seek to make it a tool to combat corruption.

He assured that there ⁢is confidence that the review process of the ​ T-MEC will come ‍to fruition,‍ given ​how successful such ⁤agreement has ⁤been in consolidating our country as the main trading partner of USA.

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