Ecuador speaks out on the attempted coup d’état in Bolivia – La Nación

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The Foreign Ministry of Ecuador issued a statement on the afternoon of this Wednesday, June 26, 2024, about the attempted coup d’état in Bolivia.

Ecuador spoke about the attempt to coup d’état what is going through Boliviathis Wednesday, June 26, 2024.

The Chancellery of Ecuador issued a short statement this afternoon.

Ecuador’s statement on the situation in Bolivia

“We regret the events that occurred in Bolivia,” is the first sentence of the short statement issued by the Ecuadorian Foreign Ministry on the afternoon of June 26.

“Ecuador wishes for the validity of democracy, the rule of law and respect for the established constitutional order”

The statement ends with the hope that there will be a peaceful solution to the situation and a message of solidarity with the Bolivian people.

“We trust that there will be a peaceful solution to this serious situation. “We reiterate our solidarity with the Bolivian people.”

The Government of Bolivia denounced a possible coup d’état

The Government of Bolivia denounced a possible coup d’état on the afternoon of this Wednesday, June 26. President Luis Arce confirmed that the Bolivian Armed Forces are mobilizing in La Paz. “We denounce irregular mobilizations of some units of the Bolivian Army. Democracy must be respected,” said the president. After 2:00 p.m., Murillo Square in La Paz, where the Quemado Palace is located, headquarters of the executive branch of Bolivia, was invaded by military tanks.


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