Education Minister Lotta Edholm’s Change of Heart on Independent Schools and School Policies

by time news

Education Minister Lotta Edholm to change the school policy and chase after a growing independent school sector

Education Minister Lotta Edholm (L) is to change the school policy and she is now chasing a growing independent school sector. An examination of her decisions as a local politician shows how she has made the sector grow.

“The short answer is that I have changed my mind on the matter,” says Lotta Edholm to Aftonbladet.

As the education minister’s verdict on the results of the Pisa survey was harsh, citing a knowledge collapse, she points to a reorganization of the independent school sector as a contributing factor. She emphasized the need for a new law to address this issue.

Since the run-up to the 2022 election, the Liberals have radically changed their view of independent schools and the party now says that the independent school sector is the root of many problems in Swedish schools. Therefore, the system must be reformed and the Tidö Agreement promises a completely new independent school law.

Lotta Edholm has been sitting at the board of a listed independent school group and has also been a school councilor in the city of Stockholm, shaping the capital’s school system for several years. A review of her decisions show that she has advocated the establishment of over 600 independent schools during her time as school councillor.

These decisions were made despite warnings that more independent schools could lead to negative effects, including segregation and a decline in the quality of education. Her actions also contradicted her later opinions on the matter.

In her current role as education minister, Lotta Edholm now expresses regret for her past decisions and acknowledges that the student’s right to a good education was subordinated to market logic. She emphasizes that a more positive view of independent schools should have been taken in the opposition and regrets her previous stance.

This news highlights a significant shift in attitude towards independent schools and the need for a new approach to address the issues within the sector.

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