This result comes from the good dynamic of private production (+5.3%) and that of renewable energies relating to law 13-09 (+18.3%) recorded in parallel with a decline in energy production. National Office for Water and Electricity (ONEE) by 9.4% (after an increase of 15% a year earlier), indicates the DEPF in its recent economic report.
For the month of December 2023, the production of electrical energy increased by 10.7%, reports the same source.
Regarding the sector’s trade with the outside world, the imported volume of electrical energy increased by 23.8% at the end of 2023, instead of an increase of 171.4% there. is a year old.
As for the volume exported, its drop was only 1.9%, compared to -44.7% at the end of 2022. Concerning the volume of net energy, it appreciated by 4%, after + 4.5% last year, notes the DEPF.
Concerning the consumption of electrical energy, it increased by 2.7% at the end of 2023, after an increase of 4.6% at the end of 2022. This development is linked to the increase in energy sales of “very high, high and medium voltage, excluding distributors” by 3.2%, sales of electrical energy sent to distributors by 2.8% and those intended for households by 1.8%.