«electrofuel», better than «e-fuel» | FundéuRAE

by time news

The term electrocombustible is preferable to anglicism e-fuel to refer to fuels created by electrical energy.

However, uses are found in the press such as “E-fuel is created using the energy of the wind, from water and CO2» or «The plant is expected to produce around 55 million liters of eFuels by 2024».

The EU Multilingual Term Base (IATE) proposes electrocombustible as equivalent to Anglicism e-fuel (o efuel).

Electric fuels are a type of green fuels that are generated through synthetic processes in which electrical energy is involved. Other more general denominations and not necessarily mutually exclusive are the following: green fuelfor the one that comes from renewable energies; synthetic fuelfor, for example, gasoline or diesel that is obtained from coal, biomass or natural gas, and biofuelthat he Spanish dictionary of engineeringfrom the Royal Academy of Engineering, defines it as ‘fuel from organic matter or biomass’.

Therefore, due to its greater precision, to refer to this type of fuel and as an alternative to Anglicism it is preferable to use the term electrocombustibleand not green fuel, synthetic fuel o biofuel.

Thus, in the previous examples it would have been better to write “Electrofuel is created using the energy of the wind, from water and CO2» and «The plant is expected to produce around 55 million liters of electrofuels by 2024».

In addition, it is remembered that in Spanish fuel refers to a certain type of petroleum derivative, so it is not equivalent to combustible.

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