Letter to the Editor This is an opinion piece written by an external contributor. The views expressed are those of the author.
We have received signals that the municipality has purchased the UN flag and for the first time this year will raise it at the town hall on UN Day.
The world desperately needs us all to stand up for equal rights for all, to step forward and speak out when we see injustice affecting individuals or groups. What could be more natural than to show respect for the organization that has the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as its charter and whose foremost goals are equality and freedom for all people, freedom and self-determination for all peoples and nations.
In dictatorships, of which there are unfortunately more, there is no room for diversity, either politically or culturally. People are imprisoned for their opinions, and minorities and groups that deviate from the majority have a very difficult time.
In the countries that still have free elections, there is a polarization where groups on the far-right bully, harass, and increasingly use violence against minorities and LGBTQ+ groups. They try to undermine respect for human dignity, and our democracy is at risk. More people are afraid to speak out, and many feel excluded and that they do not fit in.
Democracy and respect for diversity are prerequisites for peace. Democratic states do not start wars. If you are generous towards your fellow human beings, you are helping to build a better society.
The colors of the Norwegian flag stand for freedom, equality, and brotherhood, and the cross, which is the Christian symbol, stands for forgiveness and peace.
The rainbow flag has become a strong symbol for the LGBTQ+ fight for equal rights. It is not unnatural to expand the use of it and make it a symbol in the struggle for equal rights for all, in the fight for human rights to permeate all legislation and for them to be practiced.
Therefore, let us raise flags also on the flagpoles at home on UN Day. Flagpoles with Norwegian flags and rainbow flags in beautiful union will be a lovely sight that can unite us.
Does the municipality not have three flagpoles in front of the town hall? There will be room for all three flags: the UN flag, the Norwegian flag, and the rainbow flag. It will be a magnificent symbol and a strong signal of what we stand for.
Arne Hauge
Halsnøy Monastery 21.10.2024
(The message is supported by the organization Romsleg).