Emmanuel Macron calls on his camp to “mobilize in the battle” of the Europeans

by time news

2024-01-15 22:43:19

Emmanuel Macron called, Monday January 15, parliamentarians from his camp and ministers to “mobilize in battle” European elections in June, because Europe is in its “Political DNA”.

He urged his majority, which suffers from being only relative to the National Assembly, to ” keep “ son ” unit “ as well as his “spirit of surpassing” of the right-left divide, the initial trademark of Macronism. He judged that “reactivate all divisions” would be there “worst of things”because synonymous with“impossibility to act”of “assured defeat” and of “triumph of extremes”.

“It’s not a change of course, it’s not a change of direction, it’s the pursuit of overcoming”insisted Mr. Macron, while the shift to the right of the reshuffle created turbulence in the majority.

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“A clear vision for Europe”

On immigration, he predicted that after the decision of the Constitutional Council, which could invalidate several parts of the law on January 25, the right and the extreme right risked asking for “change the Constitution or leave the treaties” Europeans. “This is where we will have to fight and not by dividing ourselves”he insisted.

While the presidential camp is largely behind in the polls by the National Rally for Europeans, it has called on all its elected officials and officials to “mobilize in battle” because it is, according to him, the ” alone “ block which « s’engage uni » with “a clear vision for Europe”.

For his part, the boss of the Republicans, Eric Ciotti, gave a boost to the European campaign by launching the outgoing and conservative François-Xavier Bellamy as head of the list, to try to demonstrate that the party “stay the course” despite the recent poaching of Rachida Dati.

The World with AFP

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