Etching and sculptural connections by D. Tsirogiannis – 2024-03-21 08:12:48

by times news cr

2024-03-21 08:12:48

Editorial Room Culture

The “Graphic, Sculptural Connections” by Dimitris Tsirogiannis is hosted by the “Iosif and Esther Gani” Foundation from March 20 to April 19.

«What could be considered characteristic features of modern monumental sculpture? The morphological clarity, the dynamics of volumes and the rhythmic alternation of the successive surfaces of a work are some of them All the above qualities can be found in the specific sculptures of Dimitris Tsirogiannis, but they are concentrated in small dimensionsTsirogiannis seems, indeed, to create his small-scale sculptures by considering the monuments that could arise from them Looking at his sculptures, therefore, one realizes that a monumental composition can often be achieved by non-monumental means and created in small dimensions“, the organizers say and add «Engraving is indeed an art that is directly related, with a first-degree affinity, to sculpture, but with a different result in its end. And in this point lies the charm of Dimitris Tsirogiannis’ successful project The engravings of Dimitris Tsirogiannis, woodcuts on horizontal wood, are distinguished from the artist’s personal visual writing, a writing that I have the feeling owes a lot to its sculptural origins…».

Opening hours: Monday to Friday 9am to 2 p.m., Wednesday 6 to 9 p.m.

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