EU: new law on migrants, while the causes of migration are not removed – VP News

by time news

2023-12-23 01:16:37

A recent European law on asylum and immigration was passed with the aim of strengthening the protection of external borders and promoting greater solidarity between European Union member countries.

Key aspects of this legislation include:

An advancement in the process of filtering migratory flows at the borders of the Schengen area. The establishment of detention centers near the Schengen borders, intended to detain those who attempt to cross them. The imposition on countries subjected to strong migratory pressure, such as Italy, to distribute migrants to other EU member states, providing for a fine of 20,000 euros for each migrant not accepted.

This immigration law is presented as an important achievement.

They are National newspaper Interior Minister Piantedosi says that Italy expresses great satisfaction with the agreement reached on the issue of migrants. “We have put the issue of immigration back on the European agenda and, thanks to our ability to balance responsibility and solidarity, we have managed to unblock and complete a negotiation that had been stalled for some time”, states the Minister of Interior Matteo Piantedosi.

“The adoption of the Pact represents an important milestone both for Europe and for Italy, which can now make use of new regulations to regulate migratory movements and combat human trafficking,” he continues, highlighting that “the Pact is the result of extensive negotiations, in which Italy played a leading role, aiming for a balanced solution that would alleviate the sense of isolation of the EU border countries, more vulnerable to migratory waves”.

Furthermore, he adds: “I would like to thank my colleagues who, in the various meetings, both formal and informal, and recently in Brussels on 4 December, have constantly recognized and appreciated the Italian position, which has pursued the objective of providing Europe with more effective to overcome the Dublin regulation and face the challenge of immigration in a truly supportive manner”.

But the law does not change the redistribution system

However, some ambiguity emerges. They were effectively illustrated during the program “Punchline” on C news and EUR 1, focused on European policies on immigration and asylum, where Alexandre Devecchio, editor-in-chief of Le Figaro, spoke. He criticized the European agreement on immigration reform, comparing it to the French situation: “It’s like with the immigration law in France, where citizens ask for a law to reduce immigration and end up with a regulation on regularization. In Europe, we are asked to reject migrants, but the answer is their redistribution. (…) As for boats, I am not even sure that it is necessary to change maritime law, which requires landing on the nearest coast, while Frontex acts like a taxi service bringing migrants back to Europe”.

Imaginative innovations: economic incentives for voluntary repatriation

The Finnish Ministry of the Interior is proposing to offer 5,300 euros to migrants whose asylum is denied, provided they voluntarily return to their home country within 30 days. This initiative was announced through a press release.

“According to the new legislation, the amount for voluntary repatriation will be 5,300 euros if the request is presented within 30 days of notification of the first negative asylum decision or withdrawal of the application,” reads the press release.

The legislation will come into force on January 1, 2024. If the request is submitted after 30 days, the asylum seeker will receive only 2,000 euros for repatriation, as specified by the ministry.

The payment is not available for those who move to another EU or Schengen country, or to a country whose citizens do not require a visa to enter Finland.

Final thoughts

In conclusion, a radical change does not seem to emerge based on a different understanding of the situation. Despite Europeans’ expectations for policies to reduce immigration, political decisions often result in laws that simply distribute migrants across countries, without examining asylum claims in the country of origin to prevent unnecessary migration .



1 – Prime Minister Meloni: Islamic culture has no place in Europe because “there is a problem of compatibility of Islamic culture with the values ​​of our civilization”.

???? At the Fratelli d’Italia party party Giorgia Meloni declared:
“The Islamic cultural centers in Italy are financed by Saudi Arabia, where Sharia law applies. There is a process of Islamization underway in Europe which is very far from the values ​​of our civilization”

???? British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, who was present, said he intends to push for a “comprehensive reform of the asylum system” and blamed “enemies” for the fact that Europe is besieged by migrants.

???? “If we don’t address this problem, the number of migrants will only grow. This will threaten our countries and our ability to help those who really need our help,” Sunak said.

But this is not much progress. Apparently, gone are the days when the host in Atreju was Viktor Orban.
Everyone is free to invite whoever they want, but Sunak cannot really be called a sovereignist. Orban is a sovereignist and fights for the interests of his country. But he wasn’t invited.

2 – Sweden first in Europe for gun deaths.

The gang war is out of control. The number of criminals in the second or third generations of migrants and refugees is growing

Sweden first in Europe for gun deaths

#law #migrants #migration #removed #News

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