Evo Morales emerges unharmed from a shootout against his car, in which the driver was injured

by time news

2024-10-27 13:17:00

The former president of Bolivia Evo Morales (2006-2019) reported this Sunday that the vehicle that was taking him to the station where he usually hosts his weekend program was hit by 14 shots, from unknown persons, who injured the politician’s driver.

The former president told Coca radio station Kawsachun Coca that the pursuit of his vehicle by two other men in which the attackers were traveling occurred at 6:25 a.m. local time (10:25 GMT) on the road between the city of Villa Tunari and LaucaÑ, in the tropics of Cochabamba.

In a video broadcast on social networks, blood can be seen on the head of the driver, who is holding the steering wheel.

The voice of a woman, who was traveling in the vehicle, can also be heard asking Morales to get out: “Go Papacho, fly away. I’m here (…) Crouch, crouch, press”, can be heard in the recording. Evo Morales then calls on the phone asking for help: “They are shooting at us, mobilize quickly.”

#Evo #Morales #emerges #unharmed #shootout #car #driver #injured

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