Exhibitions, ‘Umarekawaru’, in Tokyo byLudo and the universe of recycling

by time news

On display in Tokyo at the Galleria Haco ‘Umarekawaru (rebirth), born from waste’, featuring the byLudo brand in collaboration with Alexander Perrine’s ‘Bodies of Waste’ (artistic photographs by Niko Wu) scheduled from 30 September to 3 October.

The project bears the signature of Ludovica Cirillo, Italian designer of byLudo, an eco-technological bijoux brand and architect in the Kengo Kuma and associates studio. The goal is to show in Japan the possibilities and artistic expressions from the world of reuse. ‘Umarekawaru, born after waste’ means, in fact, the rebirth and reuse of collective memory through the use of waste objects.

Inspired by traditional Japanese craftsmanship, the eco-tech bijoux label transforms waste technological objects into new forms with which the designer and waste are reborn. The ‘Mottanai’ collection, conceived in Tokyo, mixes pieces of technological reuse, a typical material of the brand, and assembles them using traditional local craftsmanship techniques.

Housed in the Haco gallery, an exhibition space with more than 100 years of history, the exhibition presents three new artistic pieces from the ‘Mottanai’ collection. Each object is dedicated to a different craft technique. From electronic cables assembled with the mizuhiki system, to computer circuits made with the origami method, to pieces of CDs assembled with the concept of kintsugi.

The project became an opportunity to network with other artists and creative minds equally sensitive to the concept of sustainability. Some bijoux will be exhibited on the recycled plastic sculptures of ‘Bodies of Waste’, by the American artist Alexander Perrine, while the others will be accompanied by artistic photos of Niko Wu.

These are artists who wish to send, together, through ‘Umarekawaru, born after waste’ an important message for the new generations (‘Today more than ever we need to give new life to objects that are no longer used’).

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