Experts warn against overdose: be careful with caffeine powder! | Life and knowledge

by time news

2024-10-17 05:41:00

Almost all of us have drunk too much coffee at one time or another. With unpleasant consequences: restlessness, nausea, rapid heartbeat. Commercially available pure caffeine powder is even more dangerous. An overdose could even put your life at risk!

The Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR) warns: Even small amounts of this substance in food supplements can cause serious harm to health.

► The highly concentrated powders offered in some online stores are particularly risky. Athletes often use them as “pre-workout” products to enhance performance. But be careful, the risk of fatal overdose is high!

Caffeine powder: EFSA warns of overdose

Experts from the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) also warn against overdoses of caffeine powder. Healthy adults should consume no more than 0.2 grams of caffeine at a time. 0.4 grams are allowed during the day. The following applies to pregnant and breastfeeding women: maximum 0.2 grams.

This corresponds to the tip of a knife. This small amount cannot be accurately measured with a measuring cup. Even a kitchen scale weighs only a gram or more.

Just one teaspoon of powdered caffeine is life-threatening

Experts also warn: “Excessive amounts can cause severe restlessness and increased nausea Blood pressurealso heart palpitations Cardiac arrhythmias trigger. Ingestion of approximately 5-10 grams (one to two teaspoons) of pure caffeine is life-threatening.” For comparison: 5 grams of powdered caffeine corresponds to ten liters of coffee. In powdered form, one teaspoon.

► For several years now, people have been warning about the deadly consequences of an overdose of pure caffeine. A young woman has died from acute caffeine poisoning. He accidentally ingested two teaspoons of highly concentrated powdered caffeine – approximately 9 grams – without knowing the recommended dosage. Despite intensive medical treatment, his life could not be saved. Such tragic cases are also known in other countries.

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