Falsetti, the little newspaper that created an algorithm to decrypt credit cards and security keys | He completed a millionaire scam

by time news

Fernando Alberto Falsetti have 56 years and lives in the Buenos Aires town of Villa Madero. His work was carried out at a newspaper stand in La Matanza, but his greatest source of income was obtained from another activity: the newsboy discovered an algorithm to decipher credit card numbers and security codes. Thus he managed to steal more than a million pesos.

The investigation began after a complaint filed by the Fraud Control Area of ​​a recognized company. This happened after receiving the complaint from several credit card holders who were unaware 169 prepaid account purchase transactions and other various services of the pay TV company.

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The scam was carried out between May 12 and September 27 of 2021. At first it was believed that it was a gang specialized in scams, however, it was later found that the little boy acted alone.

Falsetti implemented a homemade method to detect valid credit cards. following patterns, discovered how to identify card numbers -all from the same bank- and their security codesusing its own algorithm that allowed it to make the data compatible.

After tracing IP addresses and tracking the phones involved, Falsetti’s home was reached and searched. There it was found that the accused had a 32-page ring notebook where he kept a record of the operations and the method he used to discover the security codes of each card was seen.

The accused will remain free. by order of the judge of San Isidro Stephen Rossignoli, despite the fact that Vicente López’s prosecutor, Alejandro Musso, had requested his immediate arrest, while the investigation progresses.

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