Farewell to Paul Di’Anno, lead singer of Iron Maiden

by time news

He died at the age of 66 <a href="http://www.time.news/former-iron-maiden-frontman-paul-dianno-has-died-in-cologne-he-only-sang-in-a-wheelchair/" title="Former Iron Maiden frontman Paul Di'Anno has died. In Cologne, he only sang in a wheelchair”>Paul Di’Annothe first person of Iron Maiden.

Paul Andrews, better known by his stage name Di’Anno, fronted the historic metal band on the albums ‘Iron Maiden’ in 1980 and ‘Killers’ in 1981, before current singer Bruce Dickinson became his instead. He had been ill for some time.

“Despite being troubled by serious health problems in recent years – writes the record company Conquest Music on its Facebook page – which is limited to his function in a wheelchair, Paul continued to entertain his fans around the world, accumulating much longer than that. 100 shows from 2023“.

Last September saw the release of his latest album, “The Book of the Beast”with the best songs of his life.

“Paul’s contribution to Iron Maiden was huge and helped set us on the path we’ve been on as a band for nearly five decades – Iron Maiden wrote on their social media – His pioneering presence as frontman and singer , on stage and in ours. the first two albums, not only by us, but by fans around the world.”

“It’s so sad that he’s gone,” she said Steve Harrisbassist and founder of Iron Maiden – At least until recently he was still playing, it was something he kept going, being out there when he could. We will all miss him. Rest in peace my friend.”

Paul Di’Anno and Steve Harris (Getty)

Who was Paul Di’Anno

Born in Chingford, East London, on 17 May 1958, Paul Andrews first made his name as the lead singer of the English heavy metal band Iron Maiden, between 1978 and 1981. Since leaving Iron Maiden, he has had a long Paul Di’ Anno and an exciting recording career with ‘Battlezone’ and ‘Killers’, as well as many solo and guest releases.

Despite the disappointment of leaving the band so soon, Paul Di’Anno has always said that he was happy with what the band did on their first two albums “Iron Maiden” and “Killers”, which is defined as “semantic” for the entire genre. “When I hit Metallica, Pantera and Sepulturathey told me those albums were what made them make music and that made me very proud.”

Farewell to Paul Di’Anno, lead singer of Iron Maiden

Iron Maiden (Getty)

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