Placed under the theme of “Cybersecurity, protection of the digital world and professional opportunities”, this flagship event, which is part of efforts to develop digital skills and promote IT innovation in the region, brought together many key players in the sector.
Digital experts, professionals and enthusiasts came together to highlight the latest technological advances and explore the issues related to cybersecurity in an interconnected world.
In a statement to MAP, Abdelhakim Hadafi, regional director of OFPPT Fez-Meknes, underlined the growing importance of this event within the local and regional ecosystem.
According to him, the “Regional Digital Day” allows all partners, participants, experts and trainees to share their expertise and the latest developments around the theme chosen this year, namely cybersecurity, data protection and professional opportunities.
Mr. Hadafi recalled Morocco’s commitment to digital development, through the launch of the Morocco Digital 2030 strategy during GiTeX Africa 2024.
For him, this ambitious roadmap aims to position Morocco as a regional and continental leader in digital matters.
“Digital is today a huge vector of growth and offers many job opportunities,” he declared, while emphasizing the risks linked to cyber attacks that the country must face.
Mr. Hadafi also discussed the efforts made by the OFPPT to adapt its training programs to the needs of the labor market in the digital field.
A complete overhaul of training and program engineering has been undertaken across sectors, including digital and artificial intelligence, he noted, adding that all programs have been reviewed and updated in order to take into account the current and future needs of the job market.
According to the manager, “the programs offered by the OFPPT now have nothing to envy of those of the major schools, training trainees in the latest technologies in the fields of digital and AI”.
The efforts made are bearing fruit, as evidenced by the selection of an intern from ISTA-Taza to represent Morocco in the “WorldSkills” competition in the digital field.
This performance illustrates the OFPPT’s commitment to developing in its learners the skills required by the job market.
The day thus made it possible to raise participants’ awareness of the threats of cybercrime and to provide them with the necessary tools to prevent and protect themselves against them.
During the day, participants were able to gain valuable insight into the promising professional opportunities emerging in the dynamic IT and information and communications technology (ICT) sector.
This annual event was marked by the organization of a competition between trainees in IT sectors from vocational training establishments in the region, who presented their innovative projects demonstrating their technical skills.
This competition presented an opportunity for interaction between interns and potential employers, thereby helping to improve employment prospects and develop professional networks.
In addition to technical presentations and competitions, the Regional Digital Day was marked by artistic and cultural segments, led by specialists in the field and interns from the institute.
These segments aim to enrich the participant experience and provide an interactive environment combining learning and entertainment.