Find out the number of messages sent in three clicks

by times news cr

1,000, 10,000, 100,000 or even 1,000,000 messages sent? With three clicks you can view insightful statistics in the messenger app.

Do you like to chat a lot or do you prefer to keep your online conversations short? In any case, you might be interested to know how many messages you have sent in total on WhatsApp. This is very easy to check.

Further down in the list you will also find separate statistics for calls, which take both outgoing and incoming calls into account. WhatsApp also collects sent and received status messages individually.

The amount of data transferred in both directions is also listed for each item. Data traffic generated by media such as photos or videos as well as roaming data traffic abroad are collected individually.

At the top you can also find the amount of all data sent and received with WhatsApp. And finally, at the bottom you can choose the “Reset statistics” option. By pressing it, you get rid of the entire set of numbers and all counters are reset to zero – irrevocably. And the counting starts again.

Do you want to know which contact or group chat takes up the most memory? You can also find out with just a few clicks:

Tipp: If you ever run out of storage space, you can “check and delete” larger files above. There are often longer video files there that you may not necessarily want to keep.

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