Football from the top leagues – Freiburg slows down Wolfsburg – Sport

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Football ⁢from​ the top leagues – Freiburg slows down Wolfsburg – Sport – SRF

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⁢ Conternation in‍ the front, joy in the back

⁢ ⁤ ‌ Freiburg beat Wolfsburg⁣ at home.

⁣ ​ KEY/DPA/Tom ⁣Weller
⁢ ‌ ⁢ ‍

​ ⁢ ⁢ ⁣ Bundesliga: ‌Wolfsburg wakes⁤ up too late

​ ⁢ ⁣ ⁢ ‌ ‍ SC Freiburg stopped‍ Wolfsburg’s run in the Bundesliga. The Breisgauers won Friday’s match of the 14th round at home 3-2 and ‌pushed the visitors out⁢ of 5th place in the table. Double goal scorer Lukas Kübler two corners‍ and Michael gregoritsch ⁣put the home team 3-0 ahead in the 61st minute. Wolfsburg’s joker Jonas Wind ⁤and​ Mattias ‍Svanberg with ​an overhead kick could only ‌shorten the score. None of the three​ Swiss were used in either team’s squad. For Wolfsburg, with Cédric Zesiger ousted as a ‌substitute defender, it was‌ the⁤ first win after five competitive games in a row.


International leagues

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Freiburg bremst Wolfsburg aus

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