Football: professional clubs approve the social protection project for players and technical executives

by times news cr

The approval of this project took place during a meeting held by the president of the Royal Moroccan Football Federation (FRMF), Fouzi Lekjaa with the presidents of professional clubs.

The new social protection mechanism consists of setting the employer’s contribution relating to the costs of athletes and sports executives by reducing this contribution for the period 2024-2028 from 90% to 50% at a rate of 10% per year, indicates a press release of the FRMF.

According to the same source, this project, subject to debate, was unanimously approved by the presidents of the clubs in order to then present it to the competent institutions for its regulatory implementation.

Concerning sports insurance and civil liability of clubs, the meeting was an opportunity to announce the new measures taken by the “start-ups” in terms of club-insurance company relationships, with a view to integrating the accidents and injuries to players and technical staff during the exercise of their activities.

It was also agreed to schedule a special meeting with the medical and administrative staff of the clubs to further clarify these procedures and mechanisms and thus familiarize themselves with the new platform which will be dedicated to the clubs.

During this meeting held in the presence of the president of the National Professional Football League (LNFP), Abdeslam Belkchour, the president of the FRMF estimated that the social protection project for practicing athletes is one of the essential steps capable of guarantee them a decent standard of living and a peaceful future, adding that the social protection project is the result of collective and participatory work involving different actors for approximately two years.

Mr. Lekjaa did not fail to emphasize that this meeting represents a “historic moment” in the footballing career of the players with regard to the services that social protection will offer to policyholders in terms of Compulsory Health Insurance (AMO), family allowances, the Professional Training Tax (TFP), short-term allowances, long-term allowances (Retirement) and Compensation for Loss of Job (IPE).

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