Six-time Olympic track cycling champion Scot Chris Hoy, 48, revealed today that he has terminal cancer and, according to experts, will have two to four years to live.
In an interview with the Sunday Times, the track cycling legend, who was also an 11-time world champion, revealed to Chris Hoy that he feels very lucky, despite everything. “Most of my battle with cancer has not been physical, it has been in my head,” said the former cyclist in the interview, during which he publishes his memoirs and also reveals that he was diagnosed on his wife with multiple sclerosis.
With the psychological help he has received, Chris Hoy said he is better able to face the situation he is going through and that he wants to, with the reminder “All that matters: The hardest race yet” [Tudo o que importa, a minha mais dura corrida] help others.
“I’m pretty positive most of the time, I feel really happy. This is more than the Olympics, it is more than anything else. It makes us appreciate life and make us happy”, explained Chris Hoy, who has continued cycling since his diagnosis.
The situation facing Hoy deserved a response from the British Prime Minister, with Keir Starmer responding today on Twitter.
“What a sad story. Chris is a British sporting legend. Facing this diagnosis with so much positivity is inspiring. Everything in the country is with him and his family”, wrote the governor.