Former MP Jérôme Rivière will soon be tried for aggravated tax fraud

by time news

2024-10-21 16:09:00

Former MP Jérôme Rivière, then member of the National Rally, in Brussels (Belgium) on 2 October 2019.

He left active political life in July, when his mandate as an MEP expired. But Jérôme Rivière, who successively passed through the Union for a Popular Movement, the Movement for France, the National Rally and the Reconquest!, before leaving Eric Zemmour’s party with a bang in 2023, continues to reward the networks with his analyses, as he did on October 11th on the social network “Once again in France, the fiscal shock hits businesses, with the state refusing to truly question its excessive spending”criticized the former MP, concerned about the increase in taxes on businesses. Was it also a matter of expressing his aversion to taxes in a more general way? According to information from WorldAs confirmed by the Paris Prosecutor’s Office, Mr Rivière is involved in a serious case of tax fraud, for which he will be summoned on 4 December before the Paris criminal court.

The former right-wing and far-right elected official is suspected of aggravated tax fraud and aggravated tax fraud laundering for facts dating back to the years 2014 to 2018, in relation to two companies belonging to him based in Hong Kong, Castle Rock IB Limited and Lincom Holdings Limited. The overall damage to public finances is estimated at 387,823 euros.

The case originates from the reports sent by the tax authorities to the Public Prosecutor’s Office in July 2021, which gave rise to the opening of a preliminary investigation entrusted to the Judicial Financial Investigation Service (SEJF). This Bercy service, specialized in the repression of financial, fiscal and customs delinquency, discovered, during the investigations, a tax fraud plan consisting of the transfer to Hong Kong, using companies “fictitiously or artificially” domiciled in this territory known for its tax advantages and its accommodating financial regulation, profits and income which nevertheless should have been taxed in France.

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The Castle Rock company, which officially had the commercial purpose of lobbying and advising companies that wanted to establish themselves in Iran and Senegal, in reality had only one client or almost: Flex Fuel Energy Development (FFED), a French company led by Jérôme Rivière , of which it is a minority shareholder, specializing in the development of systems to reduce consumption and greenhouse gas emissions from cars. According to the investigation, Castle Rock thus obtained revenues corresponding to the services provided to FFED, which then returned to its parent holding company Lincom.

#Jérôme #Rivière #aggravated #tax #fraud

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