Alexandra Popp will play her farewell game against Australia on Monday evening. Former national coach Silvia Neid found words of praise for the former DFB captain.
Former national coach Silvia Neid once again paid extensive tribute to Alexandra Popp before her last international match. Not least off the pitch, Popp has always been a role model. “She always ensured solidarity and never wanted to be the center of attention,” Neid told “Kicker”: “Alex was never aloof or thought he was something special.”
The 33-year-old Popp will play her 145th and final international match for Germany on Monday (from 6:10 p.m. in the t-online live ticker) in Duisburg against Australia. According to Neid, an era then ends. “Alex is and was a very good captain because she showed on the pitch what a team needed and she set an example for that,” said Neid, who helped Popp make her national team debut in February 2010.
Neid and Popp fought for the same goals for around six years. “I always found it pleasant to work with her,” said the 60-year-old: “I always thought it was great, especially because she was always so passionate. She went into duels, won balls, worked backwards. Alex was no distance is too far.”
Sometimes, according to Neid, Popp even had to be slowed down. “She was also a player who never spared herself. As a coach on the sidelines, you always had to be a little afraid for her because she played completely uncompromisingly. Sometimes I thought: a little more restraint would be in your favor now “It’s really good for the situation, you don’t always have to go all out,” says Neid.