Fraud on social media: Consumer advice center warns against cheap shops

by times news cr

More and more fraudsters are using the Internet for their own purposes. The Hamburg consumer advice center is now warning against aggressive tricks on social media platforms.

If you shop online, you can often find bargains. But sometimes you pay dearly for the supposed offer. Because there are not only reputable retailers on the internet, but also an increasing number of cheap or even fake shops.

And it is becoming increasingly difficult to recognize them. Some of these shops also pursue an aggressive strategy on social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram. The consumer advice center (VZ) Hamburg is currently warning about this. The sites advertise with “emotionally charged messages,” according to a VZ press release.

A scam that is currently often observed: Asian cheap shops pose as small, local companies that are supposedly based in German cities. German URLs underline this impression. Potential customers are also suggested that they can purchase a quality product.

These advertisements on social media are accompanied by sayings such as “We have been creating beautiful bags with a lot of passion for over 35 years” or “My husband and I founded this company 15 years ago,” as the consumer advice center explains.

“These personal stories generate trust, but are part of a sophisticated deceptive maneuver to entice people to make rash purchases,” says Julia Rehberg from VZ Hamburg. To make the message even more emotionally charged, they are often amplified. Then it is said, for example, that the supposed family business has to be given up “with a heavy heart”.

This not only creates pity in the potential buyer, but also encourages them to buy – because “going out of business” is often associated with hefty discounts. If you order from one of the cheap shops and are looking forward to your supposed bargain, you will often be bitterly disappointed.

The goods are usually of poor quality and do not come from a small factory with a family tradition, but from China. This in turn also makes returns more difficult, as customers often have to cover the costs themselves – which can be expensive due to taxes and customs duties. Contact with companies is often difficult.

To avoid falling into the trap of cheap shops, you should be careful when shopping online – especially if you see tempting offers on social media. Always check the provider, even if they have a German internet address. You can read the legal notice and the general terms and conditions (GTC).

If these are not available, this could also be an indication of a fraudulent website. You should also pay attention to missing or incomplete contact details and return guidelines.

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