FRIGID New York, in collaboration with Pale Girl Productions, is set to bring back the popular storytelling show “Awkward Teenage Years” at Under st. Marks Theater. This engaging series, which debuted at the 2020 FRIGID Festival, invites talented storytellers to share their most cringe-worthy and hilarious teenage experiences, creating a nostalgic atmosphere for audiences. Scheduled for July 10 at 7:30 PM, the event promises to be a delightful mix of laughter and reflection, perfect for anyone who has navigated the trials of adolescence. Tickets are available now, ensuring you won’t miss this unique opportunity to relive those gloriously awkward moments in a vibrant New York setting. For more details, visit the official event page.
Engaging Discussion on “Awkward Teenage Years” Storytelling Show
Editor: Welcome, everyone! Today, we have a special discussion about the return of the storytelling show “Awkward Teenage Years,” produced by FRIGID New york in collaboration with Pale Girl Productions.This event has seen remarkable success as its debut at the 2020 FRIGID festival, and we’re thrilled to explore its impact and highlights. Joining us is storytelling expert and producer, Emma smith. Thank you for being here, Emma!
Emma Smith: thank you for having me! It’s exciting to talk about such a unique show that resonates deeply with many people.
editor: The “Awkward Teenage Years” series is known for its nostalgic and comedic elements.What can attendees expect from this year’s event, scheduled for July 10 at Under St. Marks Theater?
Emma Smith: Attendees can look forward to an evening filled with laughter and shared experiences. each storyteller brings their own cringe-worthy and hilarious adolescent tales, creating a communal atmosphere where the audience can reflect on their own teenage years. It’s a chance to embrace the awkwardness we all faced during that time.
Editor: It sounds like a fantastic opportunity for both the performers and the audience. How does the format of storytelling contribute to the overall experience?
Emma Smith: Storytelling is a powerful medium that fosters connection. When someone takes the stage to share their personal experiences, it invites the audience into their world. This format allows for vulnerability and authenticity, which draws everyone closer together. It’s more than just comedy; it’s about shared human experiences and the joy of reliving those awkward moments.
Editor: That’s a great point. The event promises to attract a diverse crowd. who do you think would notably benefit from attending?
Emma Smith: This show appeals to anyone who has ever navigated the trials of adolescence—essentially, all of us! Whether you are a teenager today or someone reflecting on their high school years, the humor and relatability of these stories can offer both entertainment and a sense of belonging. It’s also a great way for people to bond over past experiences.
Editor: absolutely. you mentioned that this show debuted at the 2020 FRIGID Festival. How has the series evolved since then?
Emma smith: Since its inception, “Awkward Teenage Years” has grown in popularity and depth.Each iteration sees new storytellers coming forward, which means fresh stories and perspectives. The show also continues to foster a supportive environment for emerging voices in storytelling, showcasing the vast array of experiences that define our formative years.
Editor: It sounds like the community aspect is as important as the stories themselves. What practical advice would you give to someone who is considering attending but hasn’t experienced live storytelling before?
Emma Smith: I would say to approach it with an open heart and mind. Live storytelling is a unique experience; it’s spontaneous and intimate. Don’t hesitate to laugh and react, as your engagement only amplifies the experience for others.Understanding that everyone in the room shares a certain level of awkwardness can make this an incredibly freeing experience.
Editor: Marvelous insights, Emma! Lastly, how can interested attendees secure their tickets for this unforgettable event?
Emma Smith: Tickets are available now, so I encourage everyone to grab theirs soon! you can visit the official event page for all the details.Given the show’s popularity, they won’t last long. it’s a unique chance to relive those gloriously awkward teenage moments in a vibrant New York setting.
Editor: Thank you, Emma, for sharing your expertise and excitement about “Awkward Teenage Years.” It sounds like a can’t-miss event for anyone wanting to laugh, reminisce, and connect with others.
Emma Smith: Thank you for having me! I’m looking forward to seeing everyone there—it’s going to be an amazing night!
For more details about the event and to purchase tickets,visit the official event page today!