Gastroenterologist named three products that destroy the liver day after day

by time news

Gastroenterologist, candidate of medical sciences Marat Zinnatullin listed products whose regular use destroys the liver day after day, even when alcohol is given up. One of them is fatty fried (or smoked) meat.

“To digest these products, you need a lot of bile. Hepatocytes that synthesize it suffer from such an increased load,” the gastroenterologist noted on Instagram.

A large amount of fat and unnecessary spices are present in fast food, so such food should be avoided, the doctor said. Another enemy of the liver is sweets.

“The liver does not like it if day after day, constantly and always it is fed with rich fresh pastries, confectionery sweets, soda. Later, all these carbohydrates pass into adipose tissue, damaging hepatocytes,” Zinnatullin explained.

“If a person is healthy, then there are no strict dietary restrictions. You just need to reduce the amount of products that are harmful to the liver,” the gastroenterologist concluded.

It is emphasized that the abuse of sweet and fatty foods threatens with a high risk of developing fatty liver disease – a disease in which the liver tissue degenerates into adipose tissue. Most often, the disease is manifested by bloating.

“Here it is important to control weight, limit the consumption of alcohol and sugar, including excluding desserts and pastries. Healthy oils should be included in the diet,” advised nutritionist from Spain Aitor Sanchez.

If you have health problems, see a doctor.

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