GNTM winner now weighs 111 kilos

by times news cr

“My body shows that the ⁢limit has been reached”

Former⁣ GNTM winner Alex Mariah Peter weighs 111‍ kilos

Updated on November⁢ 23, 2024⁢ -​ 2:32 p.mReading time: 2 min.

Alex Mariah ⁢Peter: She won “Germany’s Next Top Model” ⁣in‍ 2021. (Quelle: IMAGO/Christoph Hardt)

Alex Mariah Peter now addressed her fans ⁤with a very personal topic: She revealed that she doesn’t feel comfortable ‍with her current weight.

Three years ago, Alex Mariah ‌Peter was chosen as the winner of the 16th season by “Germany’s Next Top Model” juror‌ Heidi Klum. Since then, not only has a lot ‌changed for the 27-year-old professionally,​ but also privately. As Peter has now revealed, ⁤she has gained ​around 45 kilos since her GNTM victory. A circumstance ‍that puts a lot of strain on the ‍influencer.

“That’s me in the first picture. To ‍be precise, in all of these pictures I’m me – and do you know what all of these pictures have in common? How uncomfortable I felt in every single one of them,‌ but chronologically it became the “It’s gotten worse over the last few years,” Alex revealed⁤ to Mariah Peter. Although she was slim most of her life, she was never completely satisfied. “That’s probably why this is the first time that I’m sharing these pictures with ‍you unadorned and without retouching.” She used to often edit her photos.

Alex Mariah⁢ Peter has currently ‍reached her maximum weight of 111 kilograms, she said. This is now having⁢ health effects: “My body is slowly ‌showing me that it has reached its limit. I’m out of breath after three flights of ‌stairs, my tissue is tearing, and⁣ I have stretch marks for the first time in my​ life – because I’m overweight.”

This ⁣circumstance is really affecting her, Alex Mariah Peter⁤ admitted: “I would ⁤like to say: ‘Oh, +/- 45 kilos, who cares’, but guess what – that ‌would be a lie!” Because she also grew up with the same pressure,​ “like most of us.” Added to this is the pressure from ‌the public not to admit that she thinks she ​is fat. Three years ago she spoke emotionally about her⁤ weight.

Alex Mariah Peter finally announced that she wanted to reduce ​her⁣ weight. “That’s why it should‌ be over and above all I want⁣ to get rid of this constant ⁢carousel of thoughts in which I just don’t want to offend anyone,‍ as part⁢ of the⁣ Internet would like,” she emphasized.

Alex Mariah Peter received a lot of encouragement and kind words for her contribution. “I love your open⁣ and transparent posts so much. It’s so brave of you to be so open about your experiences! Everyone’s body ⁢is⁣ unique and what’s most important is that you⁣ feel comfortable and happy,” one person wrote. “Your honesty is impressive,” one user commented. “The most important thing is that you feel healthy and well. You can do it!” can also be read.

What are the mental health implications of significant weight changes for ⁤public figures⁢ like Alex Mariah Peter?

Interview Between Time.News Editor (TNE) and Health⁢ Expert ⁤(HE)

TNE: Welcome to our readers! Today, we have⁣ a⁢ special guest, Dr. Lara Schneider, a health and wellness expert with a focus on ⁤body image‍ and mental health. We’re discussing a personal revelation from former ⁣”Germany’s Next Top Model” winner, Alex Mariah Peter. She recently opened up about her weight ⁤gain and the associated struggles. Dr. Schneider, thank you for‍ joining us!

HE: Thank​ you for having me!⁣ I’m ​glad to be‌ here to discuss such an important topic.

TNE: Alex ​revealed that she has gained about ‌45 kilos since her victory on the show, reaching a⁣ weight of 111 kilos. This seems to be affecting her physically and emotionally. In your opinion, what​ does this type of weight change signify in someone’s life, ⁤especially ‍in a public figure?

HE: Weight gain, especially for someone in the public eye like Alex, can be ‌multifaceted. It may reflect changes in lifestyle, emotional well-being, or even physical health. For many, gaining weight can be a complex⁢ response to stress, emotional distress, or ⁣even societal pressures—factors that are often magnified for influencers and models. ‍It’s important to acknowledge that every individual’s relationship with their body ⁣and weight is unique and deeply personal.

TNE: Alex mentioned not feeling comfortable with her current weight and shared that she often edited her photos to present a different image. How common is this behavior among individuals in ‌the spotlight, and what impact ​can it have on mental health?

HE: It’s quite common, especially in the modeling industry⁢ and on‍ social media, where appearance is often equated with worth. Editing photos is a way to​ fit an ideal that society promotes, which can lead to body dissatisfaction and low self-esteem. When individuals like Alex ⁣speak openly about ‍their experiences, it helps to break⁢ down the ⁣stigma⁣ and encourages others to embrace‍ their true selves. Acknowledging one’s real body can be a powerful step⁤ toward improving‌ mental health and fostering ‍a positive self-image.

TNE: Alex touched on feeling uncomfortable⁤ in her own skin despite ⁣having been slim for most⁣ of her life. What advice would you give to individuals struggling⁣ with body⁢ image,​ regardless of their weight?

HE: My advice would be to cultivate​ self-compassion. ​Understand that it’s normal to‍ have ​fluctuations in weight and that our bodies can change ⁢for many reasons,⁢ some of which ‌are beyond⁤ our⁢ control. Engaging in positive self-talk, finding activities you⁢ enjoy that promote movement, and surrounding yourself with supportive ⁤people can greatly improve your relationship with your body. ⁤It’s also critical to seek professional help if feelings of discomfort lead to more ⁢serious mental health issues.

TNE: In Alex’s case, it ‍appears her weight is now ‍having health effects. Can you elaborate on the potential health consequences of⁣ significant⁣ weight gain, and should ⁣individuals be mindful of these?

HE: Absolutely. Significant weight gain can lead to various⁢ health issues, such as increased​ risk for diabetes, heart disease, and mental health struggles like anxiety and depression. It’s⁢ essential for individuals to be mindful of how their body ⁣feels, both physically and emotionally, and to consult healthcare ⁢professionals when⁢ they notice substantial changes. Regular ⁤check-ups and ⁤open ⁣communication about health are​ key components of maintaining overall​ well-being.

TNE: Thank‌ you, Dr. Schneider, for your insights. It’s clear that body image and weight are complex issues, particularly in the⁤ entertainment industry. As Alex shows courage‌ in sharing her story, may ⁣it inspire others‍ to approach their own journeys ‍with kindness and honesty.

HE: Thank you for having me. I hope that discussions like these continue to promote understanding and⁢ acceptance of our ⁤bodies, regardless of societal pressures.

TNE: Thank ⁢you for joining us today,⁣ and thank you to our readers for ⁢tuning in. Let’s keep ​the conversation going about body positivity and ⁣health!

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