gold price, I came looking for you, gold…!! Golden time to buy jewelry! – dont miss this chance to buy gold and silver at very cheap rate 2nd Sep 2022

by time news
If you are planning to buy jewelry then you have got good news today. Gold prices fell by Rs 120 per bushel today. Immediately run to the jewelry store..!

Price of jewelry gold!

In Chennai today (September 2), the price of one gram (22 carat) of ornamental gold has dropped to Rs.4695. Yesterday its price was 4710 rupees. Similarly, 8 grams of ornamental gold which was sold at Rs 37,680 yesterday decreased by Rs 120 to Rs 37,560.

The price of pure gold!

The price of pure gold has also been reduced today. A gram of pure gold, which was sold at Rs 5112 yesterday, fell to Rs 5097 today. Similarly, 8 grams of pure gold which was sold at Rs 40,896 yesterday decreased by Rs 120 to Rs 40,776.

Gold prices in other cities!

The price of one gram of jewelery gold is Rs 4650 in Mumbai, Rs 4655 in Bengaluru, Rs 4650 in Hyderabad, Rs 4665 in Kerala, Rs 4670 in Delhi, Rs 4650 in Kolkata, Rs 4715 in Ossur, and Rs 4715 in Pondicherry. 4714 is also.

The price of silver!

No change was made in the silver price today. Silver price in Chennai was Rs 58 per gram yesterday. It’s still the same price today. A kg of silver is selling at Rs 58000.

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