Goodbye to the great Silvia Pinal

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The entertainment world is in mourning with the​ death of Silvia Pinal, icon of the Golden Age of Cinematelevision and national theater.

“She is the great diva of Mexican cinema,” he said. Jorge Rivero Mora, ⁣history professor at the Faculty ⁢of History at the University ‌of Veracruz; “Irrespective of her acting⁤ abilities, which were evolving, Silvia Pinal is a star with all her letters ⁤and in that Golden Agethe actors were personalities.

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“All of them,​ without ‍exception, were the‌ representation of stereotypes and‌ the beauty of Silvia⁤ Pinal is undeniablethat and her ⁢romance⁢ in the⁢ movies alongside⁣ the leading men of the⁢ time, made ⁤her have ⁣one of the most‌ prolific careers”, he highlighted⁣ in⁢ an interview with this ‍medium.

even though on the other hand, the professor said that his time during this time is “medium”, as he was not the figure of the stature‌ of ‌ Maria Felix o ⁤Dolores del Río, at ‍this stage, would catch up with them later.

“Tin Tan is very crucial in the actress’s life ⁢because she filmed three great films with her, the most emblematic ones ⁤mainly The King of the Neighborhoodshe was the protagonist alongside ⁢the pachuco​ who was already a high-grosser and this, without a doubt, was ‍the boost her career needed,” he added.

“Personally, I ⁢think that even though as an ‍actress she was not the most convincing, at ⁢this⁣ point it was already considered a diva And it ‌was very typical of his time that the actors⁤ were ⁢more ⁣of ‌personalities, but⁢ the time ​came for him‍ to ‌be a muse for Buñuel, one of the best filmmakers ​in the⁤ history of cinema and ​he was at his level; so ⁣much so that they recorded three films, being Viridianathe most enigmatic‌ for Pinal,” he highlighted.

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About the film that caused great controversy in ​the Spain by Francisco⁣ Franco and that made the⁣ Vatican seek censorship,there is a myth,because according to the expert “there is no tangible ⁢evidence” ⁣that Silvia Pinal has taken​ out‍ among her‍ things an extra reel that contained Viridiana and that thanks to ⁣this,the film was seen and even awarded in ​ Cannes.

“Everything is part of ⁢a myth ⁣around these unrepeatable characters in cinema, but the only thing‍ that is true ⁣is that here Mrs. Silvia ⁤reached the highest point of his career ⁢in acting levels, he was not in ⁢ Hollywood, I was with those who made the most exquisite ⁢cinema.

“But conversely,⁣ she could already‌ be compared ‍to a Marilin Monroe, since before she even had a similar style ⁢in⁢ her hairstyle and ​way of dressing,” said the ⁤professor specialized in Popular ‍Culture.

“He also had⁣ a ​facet in politics; In the 80s, she married a governor of Tlaxcala, and did important things as first lady of ​that state; later ⁣she became a deputy, assembly ⁣member for⁣ the PRI, ⁣at some point he directed the ANDI, ‌what is the national Association of Interpreterswas⁢ also the general secretary‌ of said association. She was a ⁤woman who was always very active‍ in more than one‍ field,”⁣ said‌ Rivero Mora.

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Goodbye to the great Silvia Pinal


But another extremely critically important stage in the life of Silvia ‍Pinal It was his arrival on television, as with a past filled with the spotlight of ⁣cinema and having participated with so many personalities, he took modernity and⁤ made it‌ his own, ⁤now on the small screen.

“It‌ was disruptive,” declared the television critic, Roberto Rondero, “and⁤ that point​ was exactly upon his arrival on television to‌ the program with open arms, ‌ a program ​that curiously is a ‍contest ⁢ and he did so aside from ​the very first actor ⁤Domingo Soler, ⁣but he⁢ also dared⁣ to bring theater to television with the program Teatro‌ Good eveninga musical that marked a ⁣before and ⁤after because playback was‌ used‌ for the first time on​ Mexican television.”

But his debut in soap operas It still took a⁣ long time, because at this time, ⁣cinema was still ​important in the actress’s career and melodramas for the small‍ screen came​ to fruition. ⁢ race ‍in 1968 with vintage production The Caudillos ⁤ and soon she would make the first television project that marked her for life: ⁢ Silvia and Enrique.

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“She starred in this one with her brand new husband⁤ at ‌the time. Enrique Guzman, ‌they became the⁢ television marriage“They were endearing but around ​1972 production stopped⁢ and personal issues also began to get mixed up and they could ‌no longer spend as ‌much time together,” he continued. Around.

But his crowning project for the small screen where Silvia Pinal became transgenerational was with the‌ arrival of Woman Real⁢ Life Casesa program that lasted 21 years on the air.

“In her desire to include and update her way of doing television, she gave a voice to ‍women and not only was she a presenter, she was in stage production and for a long time before cases‌ of gender ​violenceshe did⁤ it on television⁤ through ‌ testimonials of real people.

“But his story didn’t end⁣ there, he still did some other soap operas like Fire in the Blood, Killer Women, ‌I⁤ am your Owner, My⁤ Husband Has More Family, In short, she did as many projects as she could and wanted,” concluded the critic.

Silvia Pinal died ​at the age of 93 and according to⁤ your assistantEfigenia ramoson Saturday will ⁤be honored at the Palace‌ of Fine Arts.

What were some of Silvia Pinal’s most ‍notable films that⁤ contributed ⁤to her status as an icon​ in Mexican cinema? Editor: The entertainment industry has lost a notable figure with the passing of ‌Silvia Pinal. Can you elaborate on her contributions to mexican cinema and the reasons she is‍ considered an icon?

Expert: Certainly. ⁢Silvia Pinal is often referred to as‌ the “great diva of ​Mexican cinema,” particularly during its ⁢Golden ‍Age. Her⁣ acting ​skills evolved⁤ over time, but what truly set her⁤ apart were her personality and the way she represented the beauty stereotypes of her era. She starred in numerous films alongside leading men, which contributed to ⁢one of the most prolific ⁤careers in‍ the industry.

Editor: Jorge Rivero Mora mentioned⁣ her‌ films ‍with Tin ‍Tan as critical in​ boosting her career. can you discuss their⁣ significance⁣ further?

Expert: ⁣ Yes, Pinal’s collaborations with⁣ Tin Tan were indeed pivotal. Their film “The⁤ King of the Neighborhood” was especially emblematic, marking a turning ‍point​ in her career. Tin Tan was a hugely popular figure, ‍and working with him helped elevate Pinal’s status in the cinematic⁢ landscape of Mexico.

Editor: It truly seems she faced some competition ‌from contemporaries like Maria ‍Felix and Dolores del Río.How did she ‍compare⁤ to them during her career?

Expert: While pinal is regarded as‌ a​ diva, ⁣her status during the Golden⁢ Age was somewhat nuanced. She was not initially at the same level as icons like Maria ⁤Felix or Dolores del Río. Though, as her‍ career progressed, especially after working with esteemed directors ⁣like Luis Buñuel, she carved ​out a significant niche for herself. Buñuel’s films, particularly “Viridiana,” showcased her talent and helped‌ redefine her legacy ⁢in⁤ cinema.

Editor: There’s mention⁣ of controversy ⁤around ‌”Viridiana”‍ and its reception. Can you explain‌ what happened?

Expert: “Viridiana” became controversial due to its criticism of the ‍Spanish government under Francisco⁢ Franco and its association with attempts at censorship from the Vatican. There’s a popular myth suggesting that ⁤Pinal had a special role in ensuring the film’s exposure, but the expert emphasizes that this lacks tangible evidence. Nonetheless, “Viridiana” remains a landmark in her career, highlighting her impact on international cinema.

Editor: We’re⁣ also learning about her diverse roles beyond acting. Could you tell us about ⁤her⁢ political​ involvement?

Expert: Pinal’s ‌contributions‌ extended beyond the screen. In the 1980s, she married the governor‍ of Tlaxcala​ and took⁤ on significant responsibilities as ‌the First Lady.​ Later, she served‌ as a deputy assembly‌ member for the PRI and held leadership roles ⁤in cultural organizations like the‌ National Association of Interpreters. Her activism and political involvement reflected her multifaceted nature, showing​ she was more than just a film star.

editor: how does her legacy compare​ to other‌ international figures such ⁣as Marilyn Monroe?

Expert: Pinal can⁢ indeed be compared to⁣ international ⁢icons like Marilyn monroe, ​particularly in terms of her style and presence.⁤ The professor notes that there were striking similarities in their looks and ways of dressing. Both women have become symbols of their respective film industries, and while Pinal’s⁢ influence was profoundly local, her contributions to cinema ‍have universal‍ echoes, marking her⁣ as a significant cultural figure.

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